The Production leap is a united national initiative to support and inspire companies to develop its production capacity to absolute world class. With long-term application of philosophies, principles and methods of integrated production systems the companies will get a foundation for sustainable growth and job creation. The Production leap is funded by the KK-stiftelsen, Vinnova and Tillväxtverket.
On june 20 came the good news that Inission met the criteria and were approved by The Production leap board. During the 18 months ahead, Inission will be inspired, supported and driven by Lean coaches Bo Warg and Peter Lundin. Inission already have a production system based on Lean, but now is the time to refine and implement it throughout the Organisation.
Lean is a continuous and long-term process of improvement. It is about identifying and eliminating activities that do not create value for the customer. You have to work smarter, not harder. Be flexible and have an overview and understanding of the production chain. It is also a culture where everyone should feel involved and respected. Being able to collaborate and communicate with each other is a prerequisite.

Produktionslyftets Lean-coach Bo Warg
The first meeting was held september 27 at Inission Triab in Stockholm. Present was The Production leap Lean coaches Bo Warg and Peter Lundin as well as staff from Inissions purchasing, production, sales, quality and finance departments. Present were also representatives from the union and the Inissions board.

Lean-spel kräver full fokus
Today’s task was to understand and discover the benefits of Lean. Partly by theory and partly by practice in form of a Lean game. The Lean game is a kind of strategy game where each team under similar circumstances and in several rounds may simulate a factory under time pressure. The goal is to make a profit while having a healthy staff. But it’s the journey there that is most important. You get an overview and understanding of the plant and what waste and irregularities your production system have.
Inissions continued journey toward a better production system has through The Production leap started on a challenging but incredibly fun and inspiring way.

Monteringsstationen i Lean-spelet

Inissions kvalitetsansvarige Mattias Köhler nöjd med sitt lags insats

Peter inspekterar “fabrikerna” under pågående Lean-spel