Quality is essential to our business

In our opinion quality is not only about functional, sustainable products with a long life span. It’s also about delivery precision, optimised economy and good customer relations. As part of our ISO certification we continuously measure customer satisfaction – as it is you, the customer, who judges whether or not we are achieving the quality we strive for.

Challenges make us even better

Quality is our job and our customers rightfully challenge our knowledge and experience in each new project. Today we have a fine-tuned logistics and production process, modelled on the LEAN concept, which enables us to offer our customers a comprehensive range of services in industrial electronics and mechanics.

A good workplace means good performance

Delivering with Inission’s delivery precision calls for more than just standards and certificates. It requires expertise, job satisfaction and consideration for the customer. Our personnel possess specialist expertise and experience that we are happy to share. This is all part of our professional pride.

Standards, certifications and directives that Inission complies with

ISO 9001

The ISO 9001 standard contains specific requirements for a quality management system that improves your ability to consistently deliver products and services that meet customer, statutory and regulatory requirements

ISO 45001

ISO 45001 is an international standard for health and safety in the workplace, which contains requirements for building a good management system

ISO 14001

ISO 14001 is an internationally standard that forms the basis for determining environmental management. The purpose of ISO 14001 is to help companies minimize how their work processes negatively affect the environment

ISO 13485

ISO 13485 is a standard for quality management for medical devices. For manufacturers of medical technology, it can mean a way to maintain the quality of their products and to ensure that they meet requirements set by authorities.

ETL-approved production

The ETL (Electrical Testing Laboratories) mark indicates to distributors, retailers and customers that their product has been tested by a certified body and found in compliance with accepted national standards

UL-certified products

A receipt that the product is safe in terms of material and composition (electrical safety, fire safety and mechanical durability)

IPC certified operators within class 600, 610, 620, 7711, J-STD-001

We train our employees in soldering and assessing the durability and quality of the soldering according to the quality class that the customer prefers.

Own trainers (CIT) within IPC 610 and J-STD-001

Our certified instructional trainers teaches our employees new skills and knowledge within IPC 610 and J-STD-001using lectures and team exercises.

The Transparency Act (Åpenhetsloven)


Equality and Diversity


  • ARP report in Norwegian (specifically for Inission Løkken). The report describes how the company works to promote equality and prevent discrimination, as well as the company’s status in this area: ARP-rapport.pdf

Whistleblower Policy


  • Read Inission’s Whistleblower Policy.
    To facilitate the reporting of suspected violations of our Code of Conduct, Inission has a web-based reporting channel available to Inission employees and other stakeholders. This channel is maintained by an external party and designed to ensure anonymity. Click here to submit a report.