The board


Olle Hulteberg – Chairman of the Board

Has been part of Inission’s board since 2008. Olle is also a board member of Enedo Oyj. Not independent in relation to the company’s senior management and major shareholders. Holds a Master of Science in Engineering, Mechanical Engineering program from Chalmers University of Technology. Born in 1962.
Other assignments: Board member and owner of IFF Konsult AB, chairman of Smartare Elektroniksystem, and board member of Lillänshamnens Fiskrökeri and Talent Plastics.
Current shareholding in Inission: 5,289,153 shares, of which 960,000 are Class A shares.


Margareta Alestig Johnson – Board member, Vice Chairman

Has been part of Inission’s board since 2021. Independent in relation to the company’s senior management and major shareholders. Has a Bachelor of Economics at Örebro University. Born in 1961.
Other assignments: Chairman of the board Erik Thun AB. Board member and member of the audit committee in Wallenius Wilhelmsen ASA, board member in Brännehylte Lagersystem AB, Svenska Fribrevsbolaget AB and Tjörns Sparbank.
Current holding of shares in Inission: 3,326 B shares.


Hans Linnarson – Board member

Has been part of Inission’s board since 2017. Independent in relation to the company’s senior management and major shareholders. Electrical engineer and Bachelor of Science. Hans has had a number of different assignments as managing director in Swedish international industrial companies for more than 30 years. He has, among other things, been CEO and CEO of Husqvarna AB. Born in 1952.
Other assignments: Chairman of the board of Nibe Industrier AB, ELLWEE AB,
HP Tronic AB and NP Nilsson AB, board member of Zinkteknik AB, Nordiska Plast AB and Eolusvind AB.
Current holding of shares in Inission: 1,012 B shares.


Mia Bökmark – Board member

Joined Inission’s board in 2022. Independent in relation to the company’s senior management and major shareholders. Has a Master of Science in Engineering at KTH and MBA at the Gothenburg School of Economics. Born in 1967.
Other assignments: Vice President R&D and Product Management at Seco Tools AB, a part of Sandvik AB. Chairman of the board Gunnars Båtturer och Charter AB.
Current holding of shares in Inission: 500 B shares.


Henrik Molenius – Board member

Joined Inission’s board in 2023. Independent in relation to the company’s senior management and major shareholders. Has a Master of Business Administration from the University of Karlstad and a Global Executive MBA from the Copenhagen Business School. Born in 1965.
Other assignments: Runs two own companies and is a board member in i.a. J-O Johansson in Varberg AB, Ljungträ AB, Boda Såg in Dalarna AB, Booforsen Fastighets AB, Kontorsbolaget in Karlskoga AB, Strivo AB and Sörmlands Sparbank AB.
Current holding of shares in Inission: 2,000 B shares.



Group management


Fredrik Berghel

CEO (since 2021)
Born 1967. Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology.
Other assignments: CEO and board member of FBM Consulting AB.
Current holding of shares in Inission: 4,763,012 of which 440,012 are A shares.


Håkan Rååd

Vice President (since 2020) & Head of Supply Chain Management (since 2022)
Born 1967. MSc in Mechanical Engineering at Linköping University of Technology.
Other assignments: CEO and chairman of the board of Go Infinite, logistics and operations development AB. Current holding of shares in initiation: 38,954 B shares.


John Granlund

CFO (since 2023).
Born1969. Bachelor of Economics with Executive MBA from Gothenburg School of Economics.
Current holding of shares in Inission: 20,000 B shares.


Fredric Grahn

Marketing Director (since 2023)
Born 1986. Technical high school. Has broad competence of the market
and sales and comes most recently from the role of Sales manager at Inission Stockholm. Other assignments: None. Current holding of shares in Inission: 4,000 B shares.




At the ordinary general meeting on May 8, 2024, the auditing company PwC was elected as the company’s auditor for the period until the end of the 2025 annual general meeting, with authorized auditor Martin Johansson as the principal auditor in the parent company. Martin Johansson was born in 1967 and has an office address at Torsgatan 21, Stockholm. As auditor in the Swedish subsidiaries in the group, the auditing company PwC has been chosen, with Authorized Public Accountant Henrik Lindh as the auditor in charge. Henrik Lindh was born in 1975 and has an office address at Hamntorget 1, Karlstad.

Articles of association


Articles of association en