2014-01-08 Inission builds new Marketing organization focused on growth Cecilia Carlswärd. New Sales Manager at Inission. Inission have in…
2013-11-19 Cutting lead times in half From the left. Christian Werder, Bengt Karlsson, Peter Karlsson, Bianca…
2013-11-13 The Production leap is finished but our lean journey continues From the left. Niklas Lindh, Christian Werder, Jessica Lennartsson, Henrik…
2013-11-05 Poltech and Inission deepens their collaboration From the left. Mathias Larsson, General Manager at Inission and…
2013-10-14 Videos and pictures from Inission innovation award Jens and Dzana from wyberry technologies presenting their innovation. An…
2013-10-04 Ramabox winner of Inission innovation award 2013 Our three finalists. From the left, Jerry (Lintech Embbeded), Pascal…
2013-09-11 Inissions innovation competition is now closed Last years winner was Björn Jernström for his innovation Smart…
2013-08-20 Great interest in Inissions innovation competition The bar diagram shows the distribution of where the preregistrations…
2013-08-15 Inissions innovation competition Last year we launched a competition in entrepreneurship and innovation…